【短期留学生】 オーストラリア・姉妹校(ACGS)との交流30周年記念行事
ACGS 校長先生の姉妹校交流30周年記念スピーチ
9月28日(金)、オーストラリアのブリスベン市にある姉妹校Anglican Church Grammar School(ACGS)の生徒26名と引率の先生3名、学校長夫妻のご参加をいただき、姉妹校協定30周年の記念行事を行いました。
三重中学校・三重高等学校は、国際理解教育を推進しています。特に姉妹校(オーストラリア ブリスベン市の2校)との短期交換留学を30年間続け行きました。また、夏の語学研修や中国からの長期留学の受け入れ、世界各地からの学校訪問など多様な活動に取り組んでおります。
今回、来校されている姉妹校のAnglican Church Grammar School(ACGS)は、オーストラリア クインズランド州 ブリスベン市にある大変歴史ある中等教育学校で、小学校も併設されている男子校です。本校とは、1988年に姉妹校提携し、現在に至っております。
We had the 30th anniversary memory event and Mr. and Mrs. Principal and 26 students and 3 teachers from Anglican Church Grammar School in Brisbane, Australia kindly took part in it on September 28, 2018. In the ceremony, the chief director of Mie high school talked about the history shared between the two schools and the friendly relationship built between the two schools. After his speech, the Principal from Anglican Church Grammar School made a splendid speech about the very strong bond built between the students of the two schools.
Mie junior high school and Mie high school are promoting international understanding education. We succeeded in continuing the short-term studying abroad exchange program for thirty years. We also had the language study tour in Australia and accepted the students from China as long-term exchange students and enjoyed school visits from various countries in the world.
Our sister school, Anglican Church Grammar School is a secondary education boys’ school which has its elementary school in its establishment with long brilliant history. Our school has had the sister school tie-up with Anglican Church Grammar School since 1988. We are extremely happy about it.
The 26 students are going to have a homestay with our students’ family and study with
their host brothers and sisters from September 27 to October 2. We do hope they can have a very good and fulfilling time with their host families.